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  • We recruit and select Executives, Experts, Managers, Engineers , Administratives, and Technicians .
  • We offer recruitment solutions as CONTINGENCY system – You don’t pay until our Candidate is on Board
  • We will aggressively and assertively protect your privacy and CONFIDENTIALITY extreme over your company and related confidential information entrusted to us
    by you.
  • We provide top talent highly motivated, multicultural, flexible and hard working persons, that consistently over-achieve objectives, successfully work as members or
    leaders of a team, we assure reliable candidates with high level of autonomy , agility, adaptability, empowerment and potential for future higher opportunities,
    achieved the above on TIME DELIVERY.
  • Our clients are top of our agenda and we contibute to REDUCE TURNOVER and increase the BUSINESS EFFICIENCE searching the right key talent.
  • CUSTOMER ORIENTED ,Closer alignment of talent strategy with business strategy
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  • RESULT ORIENTED. Quick Respond and Right Candidates are our PASION , our answer TIME to meet you candidates is less 24 hrs.
  • SENIOR CONSULTANTS with a depth knowledge of the industries and extensive network of contacts working exclusively on your assignment to fulfil your resourcing
  • ASSESSING candidate s talent and leadership skills is critical to the accurate placement of a team member to ensure the right fit.
  • An extensive and updated human capital DATA BASE of qualified professionals throughout the San Luis Potosi, Aguascalientes, Leon, Irapuato , Queretaro y Toluca.
  • We place the QUALITY the center of everything we do. At the end of the search process, we conduct a detail client satisfaction survey.
  • The lessons we learn from each assignment help us to continually improve the quality of our service to clients.
  • GUARANTY of 6 months.
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